BIC Chrome Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs

BIC Chrome Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs
Availability: 154
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BIC Brand: BIC
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Description - BIC Chrome Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs

BIC Chrome Platinum - double-edge stainless steel blades from the famous Greek-French concern. Thanks to triple sharpening, the sharpness of the blades are above average. The cutting edge of the blade is platinum-chromium-plated, which increases the service life and improves shaving. An additional polymer layer protects the steel from exposure to chemicals and increases the strength of the product.
BIC Chrome Platinum - Proven factory blades for beginners and advanced users of DE razors. When installing the blade in razors of medium and high aggressiveness, you can work with the toughest and thickest bristles. 
Attention: the result of shaving depends on the sharpness of the blade itself, the aggressiveness of the razor blades and the type of skin. The more aggressive your machine, the more experience you need for a trouble-free shave.

  • The price is for 1 package (the number of blades in the package is 5 pcs.).
  • Manufacturer: BIC.

Manufacturer's Warranty:

  • the manufacturer guarantees high quality shaving while observing the instructions for use, transportation and storage conditions;
  • blades has an unlimited shelf life.

Tags: Double Edge Razor Blades, BIC Chrome Platinum

Reviews - BIC Chrome Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs


Агрессивные, но отлично бреют даже толстый волос


Подойдут в сочетании нормальная кожа без родинок на лице+жесткая щетина+мягкий станок. Если поняли,что "бескровно" ими не побреетесь,то есть смысл сделать всего два прохода - по росту и против,на этом закругляйтесь или меняйте лезвие. Если у вас чувствительная кожа и родинки на лице,то имхо эти лезвия не для вас.


Твердая пятерка, очень острые и комфортные.

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