DORCO Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs

DORCO Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs
Availability: 42
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Dorco Brand: Dorco
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Description - DORCO Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs

DORCO Platinum is a double-edge blade for a DE razor from a Korean manufacturer. Shorter than other Korean counterparts, but more sparing than canonical Japanese FEATHER. The blades are suitable for daily shaving, a clean-cut of non-rigid bristles. Inexpensive models with a platinum coating last a long time, shave comfortably.
DORCO Platinum - not untwisted, but practical and reliable blades for beginners and professionals.
Attention: the result of shaving depends on the sharpness of the blade itself, the aggressiveness of the razor blades and the type of skin. With aggressive DE razors, the sharpness of the DORCO Platinum becomes high and requires good non-traumatic shaving technique.

  • The price is for 1 package (the number of blades in the package is 5 pcs.).
  • Producer: Dorco.

Manufacturer's Warranty:

  • the manufacturer guarantees high quality shaving while observing the instructions for use, transportation and storage conditions;
  • blades has an unlimited shelf life.

Tags: Double Edge Razor Blades, DORCO Platinum

Reviews - DORCO Platinum Double Edge (DE) Razor Blades, 5pcs


Лезвия действительно не самые острые,но довольно агрессивные,даже в мягких бритвах. Выбриться чисто есть шанс,но и велик шанс "схватить" раздражение или порез,если у вас чувствительная кожа. ИМХО лучше использовать Gillette Rubie или Platinum - острота та же,а вот агрессии меньше. На любителя лезвия. Лично моя оценка - 3.


Не самые острые лезвия, но бреют уверенно и достаточно комфортно, в соотношении цена качество 4+

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