DE razor "AUTOGRAPH" (polish - open comb)

DE razor "AUTOGRAPH" (polish - open comb)
Availability: 25
Product available in stock.
HomeLikeShaving Brand: HomeLikeShaving

Description - DE razor "AUTOGRAPH" (polish - open comb)

"Autograph" is a new stainless steel safety razor from the company "HomeLikeShaving", created in close collaboration with Vadim Lebedich (Zarechny city, Russia). Open and closed guard types. Finish coating - polishing and satin.
"Autograph" combines four classes of shaving aggressiveness: soft (Soft), medium-aggressive (Mild), aggressive (High) and aggressive plus (High+). Each class will be divided into two more settings - more aggressive and less aggressive action. Thanks to the double-sided design of the plate, it is enough to turn it over to choose the best option. Less aggressive position - for shaving every day or every other day. More aggressive - once every 2-3 days.

Distinguishing features

  • Soft (0.65-0.85 mm) – for everyday shaving, suitable for fans of soft razors.
  • Mild (0.75-0.95 mm) – medium aggressive razor for shaving.
  • High (0.9-1.2 mm) – aggressive razor every 3-4 days.
  • High+ (1.1-1.3 mm) – super-clean shave.

Technical parameters

  • Lower plate aggressiveness GAP (optional): Soft OC, Mild OC, High OC, High+ OC (OC – open comb, open plate).
  • Manufacturing material: stainless steel AISI 316.
  • The size of the top plate (cap): 43 x 25 mm.
  • Handle sizes: 89 x 12 mm.
  • The weight of the razor in the collection: 118 g.
  • Finish: polishing.
  • Manufacturer: HomeLikeShaving (Russia, Omsk).

Complete set

  • Upper plate (cover) – 1 piece;
  • Lower plate (of selected GAP aggressiveness) – 1 piece;
  • Handle for the DE razor "Autograph" – 1 piece;
  • Packaging – 1 piece.

Lifetime warranty

"HomeLikeShaving" products come with a lifetime warranty. The guarantee covers manufacturing or material defects. The guarantee does not apply to damage caused by improper use, as well as to the finishing coating of the product. In the event of a manufacturing defect, you can contact the manufacturer directly or at the place where the product is purchased to make a return or exchange of the product.

For a resolution of guarantee issues, please contact us at [email protected].

Tags: DE razor, AUTOGRAPH

Reviews - DE razor "AUTOGRAPH" (polish - open comb)


Хотел поддержать, да и на вид лучшая бритва хлс (на мой взгляд), но, похоже, худшая по комфорту бритья. Взял Mild. На + стороне похожа на Пиколо. На - стороне агрессивнее 89. В обоих случаях не подходит для ежеднева, потому что на коже остаются порезы и микропорезы, похоже, вибрации лезвия вспахивают кожу.
Я Z0 побрился и остался целее (и чище), чем после "умеренной" плиты Автографа. Не могу сказать про СС или сатин, но в данном случае очевидный пролюб.


h+ бритва отвратительная, не берите

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